Implementation Checklist
This page is fully printable, but you may also wish to download this checklist in PDF form.
Identify practice champions
Introduce the idea to your practice
- Share web sites with previous practice experience
- Elicit ideas, concerns, and suggestions from all staff members
- Acknowledge that change is hard
Choose a tool
- Review the available tools
- Pick one for trial that matches practice needs
Train appropriate staff in administering, scoring and interpreting
Consider methods of implementation
- At what visits will screening be included?
- How will tool be distributed – in the office, via mail, or posted electronically online?
- What will you do with completed screens?
Discuss operations – identify the person(s) who will…
- Purchase and reorder the tool
- Maintain supplies
- Hand out (or mail) the tool and explain it to parents
- Be responsible for scoring
- Document findings and plan in the medical record
- Return pens and clipboards to storage site
- Where will supplies be stored?
Referral system
- Will you need a new system?
- Is your system paper-based, electronic, or both?
- Who will maintain it?
Practice run
- Assign one staff member to be a “parent”
- Starting at the front desk, have them walk through the typical visit, with the screening steps now included
- Assign another staff member to be the “provider” and/or support staff, and walk through the steps of interpreting, scoring, and acting on the results
- Fix any operational glitches you find
Communicate consistently
- Request regular feedback from all staff – particularly, but not only, after the practice run Give staff regular feedback on their successes and the changes you believe necessary