Who should use this web site?

This site is for primary care providers considering or planning to start autism screening for children using a validated tool. Whether you know you should change but don’t know where to start, or are still thinking about how this change could work in your setting, this website will help. It includes

And much, much more.

How should I use this web site?

The site can be used in the following two ways.

  • This website provides all the information you need to know before beginning autism screening in your practice including, detailed information about the need for screening and choosing the right tool to fit your needs. Go to what you need to know page to find out more.
  • Providers who have not heard much about autism screening might prefer a complete, stepwise approach, from an introduction to screening and the need to screen through the process of referring identified children. The “back” and “next” buttons at the bottom of each page (beginning from the introduction) guide you through the tool kit in a linear fashion.

Is this web site promoting a specific tool?

No, we are not promoting a specific screening tool. Objective information about several tools is offered, with references and links where more detail is available. We share our experiences at Children’s Hospital Boston so you can benefit from what we did right and what we did wrong, though we know that every office has its own specific needs.

Who created this website?

Content was gathered from a number of reliable sources by Alison Schonwald MD, FAAP, a Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School. The Maternal and Child Health Bureau funded the creation of this web site, consonant with the mission of Bright Futures. The Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council funded the implementation of screening in the Children’s Hospital Primary Care Center, the home of this site’s webmaster.

Who can I contact about this web site?

For questions or concerns related to information on this site, please contact Alison.schonwald@childrens.harvard.edu.